To replace conventional technologies with sustainable technology across a range of industrial, marine, oil and gas, renewable and other sectors.
To work closely with our technology partners to create reliable, safe, high-performance power conversion and transmission products, designed to exceed their requirements and bring about dramatic cost savings, whatever the application.
To maintain Resonant Link as a ‘niche’ technology with no direct competitors.
It is our belief that that the salient benefits of a high power-density, harmonic-less operation, innovative design, development and control systems will yield superior performance and dramatic costs savings to our technology partners and clients.
The Company
Resonant Link Technology Limited is led by a team of Directors and renowned experts in the field of electrical-electronic power conversion, power quality consulting, monitoring and mitigation plus high-end commercial and contractual management.
The company intends to further develop a range of Resonant Link products, both in-house and via technology partners to cover a number of application sectors and in doing so become a market leader with a game-changing technology.
The Directors of Resonant Link Technology Limited have launched this website to attract both investors and technology partners who wish to share in this exciting C21st power conversion technology and through research and development take it to the next level.